
Posts Tagged ‘trastevere’

Filled with ristorantes, pizzerias, gellaterias, cafes and pub, Trastevre is the best place to get good value Italian food (we ate 3 meals here). This area is also the hang out place for students, especially American students studying abroad in Rome. Its a little too far to walk rrom the rest of the attractions, but is easily accessible by bus (we walked a few times and it wasn’t that bad).


Santa Maria Plaza, located in the center of Trastevere, is a nice hang out place in the evening while enjoying a gelato, espresso or wine. From time to time, music from the street performers would add even more atmosphere to the evening. One or the oldest church in the city, Santa Maria Church, is also located at the corner of this plaza.

Il Giancolo
Janiculum Hill or in Italian, Giancolo Hill is situated Northwest of Trastevre and up Via Garibaldi, which is a pretty steep stretch of road leading you to the top. Up there, the panoramic view of Rome from Piazza Gribaldi was just stunning.


Overseeing from the Old Rome (where Pantheon is located) to the Ancient Rome (Riman Forum, Capitoline Hill and Coloseum), we spent the rest of our evening up here just chilling and enjoying the view. Not to mention, the breeze that hits your face while just sitting there, was so refreshing and addictive. You just wouldn’t want to leave after a while.


The monument in the middle or the circle is Giuseppe Garibaldi, who led the Italian troops against the French on this very hill. On the way down on the other side, we saw a light house which was given to Italy as a gift by Italians living in Argentina.


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